Employment Law

Whether you are a business, public servant or private sector employee, Collaery Lawyers endeavours to fight for fairness by calling into question the appropriateness of actions in the workplace.

Strained workplace relations can cause considerable stress, affect performance and influence health. We understand that workplace issues can be incredibly complicated, personal, and emotionally confronting. 

It may be difficult for those affected to discern the best path forward. 

Collaery Lawyers is experienced in supporting businesses and employees and navigating the complexities of employment law to reach a fair outcome for all. Through carefully sourcing appropriate avenues to make complaint on behalf of our clients, we aim to relieve the emotional burden of employment issues so that we can get our clients back on track. 

In employment disputes the protection of reputations is paramount. Our approach avoids conflict by encouraging positive interactions to sustain productive workplace relations. 

Collaery Lawyers seeks to address and strengthen any cultural or systemic weaknesses in a workplace, to improve the environment and prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

  • Workplace Discrimination

  • Bullying or Harassment

  • Unfair Dismissal

  • Employment Contract

  • Redundancy

  • Workplace Dispute Resolution